We at HandBit is well aware of the needs of business organizations in today's highly competitive and rapidly changing environment. We have built powerful solutions that cater to the needs of business enterprises. Our software solutions combine excellent functionality and user-friendliness.
E-Commerce Solution
Online Recruitment
24 x 7 Operation
Compile strategic recruitment reports
Saving time and money
An external enterprise is easy to build
Global Reach
Integrate work flow management
Formal measurement of skills
Improved customer service to your clients.
Reduced operational cost
Technologically and administratively efficient
Assess and track candidates
Power to provide the 'best of both the worlds
Customer convenience
24-hour access and availability of services
Monitor and measure recruitment efforts
A technology – based customer interface
Cost of acquiring, serving and retaining customers
Security to sensitive data and other kinds of information
Web Content Management Suit
It's an effective system, inevitable for organizations, to tap the vast potential for growth unleashed by the Internet. Your organization's website content requires frequent changes and updating thanks to the fast change taking place in business scenario. The faster you update your website, the better the prospects for your business to grow.
HandBit Custom Web Content Management Suit will help you update your website easily and effectively. Modules of any website require frequent updations like News & Events, Special Offers, New Products/ Projects, Photo Gallery & News Letter etc can be easily updated . You can use this web application without much technical knowledge.
Online Classifieds
The emergence of the Internet era provides the Companies/Individuals to expand its reach to its target audience as well as serve its existing members and loyalists, in a far effective manner. If your Business is not online you could be losing your share of online sales. Scope and reach of internet, is far beyond predictable as a marketing medium for small and medium businesses.. Digital marketing is the trend of today's business world. With more users seeking information and relying on the internet for various personal and commercial needs, businesses have come to realize the potential of internet, as a far reaching and cost effective marketing medium.